Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a pioneering masterpiece in Gothic literature and one of the earliest works of science fiction. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century Europe, the story follows Victor Frankenstein, a scientist driven by an unrelenting thirst for knowledge and ambition. His quest to transcend human limitations leads him to create life by reanimating assembled body parts. However, Victor is horrified by his creation—a sentient "monster" who seeks understanding and companionship but instead faces rejection and torment, leading to tragic consequences.
Shelley delves into profound philosophical and ethical questions, including the boundaries of scientific exploration, the moral responsibilities of creators, and the alienation of the "other." The narrative poignantly explores themes of unchecked ambition, the human need for acceptance, and the devastating impacts of hubris. Through the monster’s eloquent reflections, Shelley raises questions about who the real villain is—creator or creation.
Written with vivid descriptions and a chilling atmosphere, Frankenstein masterfully employs symbolism, especially through the interplay of light and darkness, to explore dualities such as knowledge and ignorance, hope and despair. The novel critiques the dangers of pursuing godlike power and the ethical dilemmas of innovation, highlighting the consequences of neglecting human compassion.
A timeless cautionary tale, Frankenstein continues to resonate with readers for its layered narrative, complex characters, and exploration of universal themes. It serves as a powerful reminder of the responsibilities tied to power and the ethical boundaries that humanity must respect.
Author: Mary Shelley
Publisher: Aedha Imprints
ISBN: 9789365619096
Genre: Gothic Literature, Science Fiction
Number of Pages: 192
HSN Code: 4901